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God and Country Sunday 2024

 Saturday, June 29

Monitoring Cappie.  He is still not peeing and pooping.  Just a clear jelly.  :(

He did eat a little wet food so I am thankful for that.

The Florida school scholarship that the girls receive requires to submit annual test scores so I made today our testing day.

He seems to be ok but keeping my eye on him.

Autumn found this painting at Goodwill.  Isn't it beautiful?

First school bill for Autumn!  It is real!  We are almost to college time for her.

Ahh.  Seeing these answer keys brings me back to my childhood taking these tests and filling in these circles. :)

Sierra and Summer testing.

Just having a candle burning makes testing more cozy.

Summer's final report card came in.  8th grade is officially completed!

A long day of testing ended with a delicious bowl of soup!!

Poor baby.  Not sure what to do for him.  I believe I will take him early in the morning to a vet to be checked out.

Sunday, June 30

Can you believe June is over!!

I found a vet office that takes walk-ins.  I got there right when they opened at 9.  I hoped to get in and out quickly.

He was nervous in that setting.  He found a spot where he felt safe. :)

No blockage thankfully.  I was worried he may have a blockage and it would result in surgery needed.  I am so glad to have gotten him seen and there was no blockage.  He did have a UTI and they gave him an antibiotic shot for that.  We also found out he is FIV+.  This means his immune system is lower and he may be susceptible to more sickness.  So we will keep our eye on him from now on.

I wasn't able to make it out of the vet to go home and drop off Cappie and then make it to church.  So I watched the service online.  I hate missing church.  :(  It was God and Country Sunday - a special Sunday.

So glad my boy is ok!

Last day of June!  Here is my calendar in my school room/office.  Helps keep us on track. :)

Later that day, we left for a church-wide activity at Diamond D Ranch here in Jacksonville.

They had fun activities for the kids.  Pony rides.  Fishing.  Wagon rides.

The orchestra played in the pavilion.  I enjoyed this so much!

Our friends, the Martins, came.  We went on the wagon ride around the farm.  I loved seeing the animals!

It began to rain while on the ride.

We got to see and feed the buffalo!

A baby!

Then we fed the cows!  So happy!

And then the goats!  Loved it!

We were supposed to have more folks baptized in the horse trough.  But it was absolutely POURING rain. For hours. One family of three decided to get baptized anyway!  Praise God!

They had a free ice cream truck and everyone who wanted to brave the rain could come and get a free ice cream.

We had a meal of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, cookies, tea and lemonade.
We had a service under the pavilion.  That is our pastor speaking.

Ava and Summer.

Me and Brandie.

What a great day - God and Country Day!


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