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Little Happy Deals

 Monday, August 26

A new week begins!  Today is day 11 of our school year.  In the morning, Sierra had her appointment for her second meningococcal vaccine.  

The Volvo was at the shop having the AC looked at.

I did a lot of house cleaning.  I also did laundry.  At 2:45pm, I picked up Eric from the airport.  He will actually be home all week and this weekend.

Autumn had her first day of work on campus at Four Winds - one of the college dining halls.

Jackson likes to "help" with school.

I was sucked into the famous aisle at Aldi with all the fun weekly goodies.  I got a fall candle, a little set for my table centerpiece, and a cool wax warmer.  You can use it for candles or for wax melts.

Nugget loves to hunt the little lizards.  She brought it into the house, ate most of it, and then left the head.  Nice Nug.

The girls then went to the library and I made dinner - Skillet Ham & Rice.

Tuesday, August 27

I enjoyed a little extra time this morning on the porch doing my devotions.  I love it when I can do this.

Jackson has his moments where he wants more time with me.  Like here where he wanted to sit on my lap.  I love it!

Today is Addie, Autumn, and Kylee's first day of classes at Pensacola Christian College.  Autumn shared that she really likes her teachers so far.  She was really dreading speech but says her teacher is great and she is thinking it's not going to be as hard as she thought.  She also loves her English teacher.  She had them write a couple sentences about their favorite books to understand them each a little better.  You know Autumn loved that because she reads so much!  She also said her Old Testament teacher is so funny and showed them a photo of his family.

Addie studying.

I don't think Brad is studying.  Ha!

I printed this out to remind me to pray for our college kids.

I like how it turned out. :). I LOVE fall!

Josh and Rhoda moved Jordan into his dorm today at Hyles-Anderson College  I guess the heat followed them from AZ to IN!

Speaking of heat, today was mowing and trimming day. Aye yay yay.  Drenched in sweat by the time I was done.

We had to go pick up the Volvo from the repair shop.  We didn't pursue going any farther with fixing the AC.  There is just too much cost involved.  We stopped to try to find soccer cleats but they were incredibly expensive so we ended up buying them from Amazon.

I made BLT's and broccoli-cheese soup for dinner.  I am learning and I made half of the soup recipe since there are only four of us here now.

Sierra and Summer had their first soccer practice with our church league.  They are the only two girls on their team and don't know any of the players.  I am praying for a good experience.

Wednesday, August 28

School - Day 13.  

From Autumn :)

Princess napping after being up all night.  LOL!

Who thinks up these things??

I found these at Aldi for only $1.29 each!  Great price!

I made white chicken chili and quesadillas for dinner.

We have choir practice at 6pm.  Miss Eva asked if I would do the welcome.  Ahh.  I know it isn't a big deal but speaking in front of a group - I am not looking forward to it.  I pray I will say exactly what God wants me to say in these few moments.


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