Saturday, October 1, 2016

My Week: September 25 - October 1

Good morning!  Thank you for stopping by my blog today.  I hope you enjoy reading about my week as a wife and mom here in Reno, NV!  

Silly dog!  He knows he is not supposed to be on the furniture yet this is where I found him Sunday morning when I got up. 
Sunday morning dawns bright and early for us!

Sunday was a nursery serving day for me. :)  I worked the church nursery for the 8:30, 10:30 and 5pm service that day.  Grant is one of our cute boys in the nursery.  I do miss getting to hear my husband preach but thankfully, now with two morning services, I am able to hear him most of the time!  I am glad I still get to sing though every morning service!  I would miss that.

After morning church, we had salisbury steak, baked potatoes and side salads for lunch.  I use the easy method of the frozen salisbury steak dinners from Banquet - don't shoot me!  LOL!  I have loved them since a kid and I just put the entire container in a crockpot and it is done by lunch.
I also made baked potatoes in the crockpot.  Have you tried this?  Just wash and wrap in foil and put in the crockpot for the day.  Top with whatever toppings you enjoy!
Always easy to throw side salads together.  I purchase a couple bags of mixed greens a week and one bag is usually good to make six side salads for our family.  I top with whatever I have on hand - mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese, boiled eggs, cucumbers, green or red peppers...

After lunch, I delegate cleanup to my girls and then I leave to go do my plasma donation.  This day was very busy at the center - sigh.  So a longer wait than normal.  That's ok!  Some days are better than others!

One great thing that day!  I have now earned $1,015 donating plasma so far since June 16th when I started donating!  Why do I donate?  Well, one reason is it helps others.  Remember last week when we visited Tom - our neighbor in UC Davis Hospital?  When we were there, he was receiving plasma!  Plasma helps others who are sick and need it.  That makes me so happy seeing that someone I actually knew was receiving something that I helped to do!

A second reason is it is a great way to earn extra money.  I haven't touched a penny of that money.  It is my savings for our Disneyland family trip next year. :)  That makes me happy too!  I guess it just shows that little things do add up!  

If you are a friend of mine in Reno, I can refer you to donate too!  I get a bonus when you donate so it is a win-win.  Just let me know and I will get you started too. :)

After my donation, I had to make a couple stops - one was Starbucks for the $3 grande frapp deal. :)

After evening church, Autumn and I left right away at 6pm.  We drove to Fernley to drop her off at a sleepover with a friend from our church and then I drove back to Reno for my Sunday night shift.

I got off at 8am - to the gym by 8:15am.  Worked out until 9:45am.  I told my sister - I hate working out!  She just laughed and said, I know you do!  But I am glad you are honest.  :)
I really do.  I am not very good at it.  I look retarded trying to do the weight machines.  Ha!  I am not strong.  But that's ok.  It is good for this 39 year old woman.  Sigh!  Yep, almost 40!  When did that happen?  Sometimes, it is good to make yourself do things you don't like doing.  

Well, that Monday workout done!  I am serious, that is the hardest workout of the week!  I just want to be home in my pajamas with my cup of coffee and a blanket!  LOL!

Then home.  And here we go again.  I had to do Summer's hair again for lice.  As if working out is so much fun, I get to do the lice thing again.  LOL!  Someone at church mentioned a product that worked for them - Vamousse.  So I bought it and we tried it.  It is much different!  It is a foam, not a liquid.  That was much better!  Not running down into her eyes - remember that day?  Augh!  It actually smelled good!  Wow!  LOL!  And it seemed to do the job it was supposed to do.  That took all morning into the early afternoon.  It is just exhausting. Pray that it stays away forever. :)

Well, things just seemed to keep piling up on my spirit!  I went to make my bed and I saw the dog had thrown up on it so that needed to be washed.  I went to put the pillows on my porch swing and there was dog poop on one of the pillows so that needed washed.  Then I realized, Oh no!  The girls have a game in three hours and their softball clothes haven't been washed since the Saturday game with being gone Saturday and Sunday.  Oh help me.  LOL!  Then I go to throw meatballs in the crockpot for dinner and I realized when I opened the freezer - I forgot to get the meatballs!  Winco doesn't carry the large bags so I always buy them at Wal-Mart and I forgot to pick them up.
So I try to call my husband three times and he never called me back.  Then, the dog got poop dried to the her fur.  I think this Monday needed to go away.  Ha!

Well, I just got to work and tried to redeem the day!  My husband came home and was kind enough to go back out and buy the meatballs for dinner. :)
I washed all Summer's bedding, pillows and vacuumed her mattress and remade her bed.  Done!
I washed my comforter and remade my bed.  Nice and clean!  Done!
Washed the girls' softball clothes - done in time!  Done!  (We have drove to the games before with the window down trying to finish drying their softball outfits!  HA!)
Gave the dog a bath and got the dried poop off her fur.  Done!
Meatballs in crockpot and done for dinner.  Done!
Dishwasher full and washing.  Done!
Vacuumed all furniture and carpet.  Steam-cleaned the couch and chair and half of the living room.  Done!
Towels washed and dried.  Done!
So glad to get some headway in that day!!

My husband when he came home surprised me with a gift!  Recently I had mentioned that one day I would like to get something like his Fitbit that I had bought for him for Christmas.  He remembered that and bought me a Garmin VivoFit 3!  I thought that was so sweet of him!  It was a bright spot in my crazy day!

Cleaning away for my mom's visit next week!  Fall is always a great time to clean your carpets and furniture.

Then it was off for a 6:30pm softball game.  Beautiful night for it.  The girls played well - getting lots of hits!  
Then home and to bed. :)

Chilly start to this day!  But believe me, it warmed up and we were soon very warm!

I'm having fun with my new VivoFit!  Tracking steps and calories and my sleep. :)

Drank a ton of water on this warm day!!

Started the day right off with laundry.  Steam cleaned the last LR chair and then the second half of the LR.  Put a fan on, opened the windows and let it dry!  Since I couldn't do the DR with the furniture in it, my husband requested we work on the backyard.  We had two gigantic piles of wood that we needed to tackle.  Old fence posts, old wood from my FIL's house when we cleaned it out. scrap wood.  Our wooden swingset also in a storm had collapsed and was in a broken heap.  A lot of work!

We sorted all the wood.  The decent pieces, I used the skill saw to cut up into manageable piece to pile up to use for our backyard bonfires.

Sierra either took out any nails or pounded them down.

Summer helped me sort the wood and stack it.

Just part of one of the wood piles we had to sort!

The bad wood that we didn't want to cut up to keep - (We called it the crappy pile - LOL!) - we loaded into the trailer to take to the dump.  That was a lot of wood to carry and load!  We took two trailer full to the top to the dump to get rid of!  Wow!  There is something exhilarating about this!  Ha!

Remember I said it turned warm?  Good grief!  Look at my red face!!  Ha!  Excuse my no makeup...we were so filthy!!!!  Here we are at the dump.  It is so fun to throw stuff into the pit!  LOL!

Well, after all that work, we got home at 3:45 to have to leave again at 4:20!  Busy day!

The girls had meatball subs that I had warming in the crockpot leftover from Sunday lunch.  I treated them to frapps from McDonald's for all their work.  Boy, did they love that!  Got gas and we were on our way to softball!

Subs from Subway for me and the honey.  Some days, you just go with the flow.  You can only do so much.  LOL!

While Addie and Autumn were at warm-ups from 5-6pm, Sierra and Summer worked on their seatwork papers for school.  They wanted to help outside so bad so I let them and they worked on their papers before the game.

At 6pm, game time!  I enjoy these fall ball games.  Trying to soak it in - even though it makes my schedule super busy and takes up many of my evenings and Saturdays, these are memories for our future.  They played a great game!

Then home.  Emptied the dishwasher, loaded it and started it.  Washed the big dishes.  Readied the coffee pot for the morning.  And then bed.

Wednesday morning, up early to finish the backyard.  Got my wood stack for our bonfires this fall.  :)

We raked the yard and filled a dozen bags before the garbage truck arrived with sticks and leaves, etc.  This is the new spot with no wood!  :)

Summer said the dirt looked pretty with the lines in it.  LOL!
So nice to be done before the cold fall and winter days.  No, we don't have grass in the backyard.  We would have to pay to sod it and put in a sprinkler system - not worth the money for us with the dogs. :(

I also finished the laundry and ironing.
Ran a few errands.  One was to pick up a few things to finish out my fall decor for my porch. :)

After setting up my deck decor, the girls and I went over at 2pm to see the McCollam's new puppies.  So adorable!  Oh my goodness!

Just sleeping on my arm.  So in love!

Made some new mini lights for my deck!
Super easy.

Fall is definitely my favorite season!  I really like this arrangement. :)

Dinner was tator tot breakfast casserole and then off to pick up the Bialys and drop them and Addie off at Youth Group at the Traynor home.  My husband and I then went to the gym for our workout.  After we were done, we stopped for the items for Lord's Table for Sunday.

I love my jar lights on my deck!

Thursday morning, I did my plasma donation.
A few errands.
Housework and laundry.
Water the garden.

It was a quiet day...a lot on the mind.

Dinner was chicken fettucine alfredo with diced tomatoes with green chilies.  Yum!

Then off for softball warm-ups at 6:45 and late game at 7:45pm.
Then off for a Thursday shift at work.

Friday, much of the same.  Off at 8am.  Workout at the gym.  I did an hour on the elliptical.  School.  Went shopping for Autumn's birthday sleepover.  Papa Murphey's pizza for dinner.  My favorite pizza place. :)

Back to work at 8pm. 

Saturday morning, off at 8am.  Workout at the gym.
My daughter, Autumn, planned a special birthday sleepover.  I was so proud of her.  My heart just burst with the time and love she put into all the work for this sleepover.  She did such a great job!  I just love this girl to pieces!

I thought this was a clever idea for a photo shoot!

They played some games that she had planned.  For each game, they could win tickets.  At the end of the night, she drew three winning tickets for gift bags. :)

We went to Chuck E. Cheese to play some games. :)

Then home for more fun!  Pizza, nail salon, art center and Ursula ice cream fun.

Evening ended with popcorn and The Little Mermaid.

Good night, ladies. 
Have a great week!

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