Thursday, September 30, 2021

So Long, September!


Goodbye to September!  I hope your month was full of good things.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

I Had Fainted...


My life verse.  Whenever you worry, read this verse.  

I'm so glad that my God is good.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

My Lawn Journey!


Can you believe that this is the last week of September?  I had to take a picture of my last rose in my backyard.  It is getting cooler.  Our rain will be coming back soon.  Time for things to die for a season.

Sleeping babies.  Little baby.

And the big baby.  Ha!

This last week of September, we are getting back to a regular week after our September birthdays.  We had some rain this weekend which is wonderful!  We hardly get any rain in the summer so when the fall hits, we start to get rain again.

Thought I would share the journey of my lawn.  Ha!  When we moved here, it was full of weeds and a ton of clover.  I put down weed killer and well, there went the whole lawn!  It was literally ALL weeds and clover.

When all the clover and weeds were dead, I raked it all and tried to get up all that dead stuff.
Then I added some Miracle Grow soil and put down seed.

After my trip to Pensacola, we finally have some grass coming in!

The progression of growth!

Next set of photos.  I went through the whole lawn and tried to get all the crabgrass and weeds out - again.  By hand.  Once I took a few days to do that, I reseeded the areas that were thin or bare.

Felt good to get all those weeds out!  Get that good grass growing!

Next set of progression photos mid-September.

Slowly but surely, it is coming in!
The next set is right before Autumn's birthday.  I finally mowed to even it out.  Beautiful green color and getting quite thick. :)

Quite the difference!  I am proud of my lawn journey.  LOL!  Something satisfying about it. :)

Monday, September 27, 2021

Autumn's 16th Backyard Fall Party

 For Autumn's birthday, we decided to go with a backyard evening fall party.

A couple of days early, I played around how I wanted to set up the decor with what I already had.

I loved how the white lights and tables settings turned out.

I forgot to get a few pictures before we started the party but here are a few after a lot went on.  Ha!

I liked how the tables turned out.  This was the table to hold the dessert - apple pie as well as the apple cider and popcorn.

Those pine cones, acorns and pine greenery - all collected for free. :)
During the movie, I served apple cider and bowls of popcorn.

A little blurry but you can still make out one of the two homemade apple pies I made for dessert along with vanilla bean ice cream.

The lighting made my photos a little blurry but still looked good. :)  I made Parmesan crusted chicken, cottage mashed potatoes and Caesar salad - all Autumn's choices.  Sweet tea for the beverage.
Rachel and I served everyone like it was a fancy meal at a restaurant and the kids loved it.

After the meal and presents, we had an outdoor movie night.  Fun!

101 Dalmatains!

It was a super fun and neat party!