Sunday, April 30, 2023

What a Saturday!

 Guys.  What a Saturday it was.

First, we went under contract (finally!) for a home in Florida!  It has been quite the journey these last three months.  Selling two homes and trying to purchase a home long distance is not for the faint of heart.  There were a lot of prayers of desperation on my end!  God is good!  I know He will see us through and if things fall apart from will still be His plan.

I picked up Rachel and Jack and went to Evan's track meet which began at noon and was over at 5pm.  It was a beautiful day to be outside enjoying the day.

On the way home, I had a scare.  I was driving down the highway and a lady pulled out in front of me just as I approached the intersection at 55MPH.  I swerved to avoid hitting her which caused me to lose control at the speed I was going.  I didn't hit her but went across the oncoming traffic lane, over the median missing a pole, across the exit lane, and landed in the ditch.  I wasn't hurt.  A couple pulled over and was already telling 911 details as I exited my car.  I called Rachel who wasn't far behind me and they stopped to help.  Two policemen soon arrived and they all were able to push my car out of the ditch.  It happened so fast and it is so scary to be driving and braking but not able to control where the car was going or doing.  God was truly looking out for me and keeping me safe.  We all have a purpose for our life and mine isn't done.  We all have a time to die and mine isn't yet.  I praise my Father for His hand in my life!

I went from the accident to a dinner fundraiser that the girls were involved in.  The donations went to the Hungary missions team which Autumn will be participating in.  Adam, Rachel, and their family were able to come as well.  

What an eventful Saturday.  And what a great God we serve who is always doing a thousand things when we may be aware of three of them.

Goodbye April!

Goodbye, April!  Our last full month in the state of Oregon so I thought it appropriate to have a photo with rain in it.  Ha!

It was truly an eventful month for our family and boy did it go quickly!  I hope you had a blessed month of April!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Spring Days

Near the end of the school year, we go OUT and do our school every second we can!  Especially after a long, cold, rainy, wet Oregon winter and spring!  Sunshine is a welcome friend!

Jackson is a cat that enjoys being around people.  If we go out, he is usually out with us. :)

I didn't catch a lot of the cherry blooms this year.  They seemed anemic because of maybe the cold?  My neighbor's tree though was beautiful and I tried to get a couple pics of it. 

My boy and a pretty daffodil.

Tulips FINALLY coming out.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday - What a Week!

 It's Friday!  One more work week has passed.  Gratefully, we turned a corner and had a couple beautiful days weather wise!  The last couple nights we were able to leave the windows open and in the morning, I can hear the birds singing while I sit and read my Bible and have my coffee.  I just love that!  Today is supposed to be mid 80's - very warm!   Then it will go back in the 60's and some rain for next week.  The sunshine and warm temps just give me more happy energy for sure and I really need that right now.

This was our second to last week of school for the school year.  After today, we have one week - five days of the school year left!  Yikes!  So next week will be wrapping up the loose ends and final exams.  Summer will finish her first year of junior high-7th grade.  Sierra will finish her sophomore year and yes, we have one more finishing her school years.  Autumn will finish her senior year and will be graduating high school.  I can hardly believe we are at this point.  Then I will have two graduated kids and just two left to home school.  So much to feel right now but too busy to process it.

So proud of my girls.  I love them all so much.  God gave me amazing kids!

It was also an eventful week.  Poor Sierra got sun poisoning with those sunburns from skiing.  Her lips were swollen and blisters on them.  She could hardly talk and eat.  Poor kid.

Autumn had to have a tooth pulled due to a crown being loose and the dentist not noticing and it got too much decay.  She was so nervous and it was a hard ordeal for her.

My mom had surgery on Tuesday to remove part of her colon.  Thanks to God, she is doing very well!

Max had an issue with his ear and we had a vet visit and then the next day, he had a small surgery - aural hematoma repair.  Now he is on meds and has to wear a cone for 10-12 days.

Eric is in Ft. Lauderdale since Wednesday for work - staying right on the ocean!  Lucky guy.

Things are progressing with both homes.  Step by step.

So...keep us in your prayers for sure!  We truly covet them and need them.  Happy Friday!  God is good!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

One Day at a Time

 Sometimes, your mind is so full that you have a difficult time just focusing on the simple things in life.  I am at this point right now.  We have both of our homes under contract which is stressful going through inspections, appraisals, etc.  Probably the most stressful thing for Eric and me right now is trying to find a home in FL for our family.  We are at a very critical point where we are literally running out of time.  Some of the verses that I have read in the last couple of days have encouraged me.

"Let me experience your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in you.

Reveal to me the way I should go because I appeal to you.

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.

May your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground."  Psalm 143:8, 10 CSB

"We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer.

Commit your activities to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

A person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.

The one who understands a matter finds success, and the one who trusts in the Lord will be happy.

We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall."  Proverbs 16:1, 3, 9, 20, 33 NLT and CSB

Praying that the Lord takes us through this process as we seek His will.  

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Dad and Daughter Ski Day 2023

Before we left Oregon, I wanted my husband to take our daughters on a ski day and teach them to ski.  He has never taken them skiing and I am glad they had this opportunity!
Sierra and Autumn


Eric and Summer


Summer, Autumn, Eric, and Sierra

They are so crazy!  So glad they had so much fun!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Autumn's Cake Social Project

Autumn had to host a cake social for her Home Ec class.  She had to make four different cake recipes along with a punch recipe.

She did a fantastic job and I'm very proud of her hard work!

Cranberry Party Punch

Raspberry Swirl Cake

Angel Food Cake

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake

Chocolate Cake

Monday, April 24, 2023

Hail and Sunny Days

I know these posts are events and days from April but that's ok.  Life is crazy.
This was one day I was taking Eric to the airport.  Look at the hail and rain that fell!  It just pooled on the road and really made driving dangerous there for a minute.

April was a crazy month weather-wise.

Jackson like to sit out front and watch.  He's so funny.

While we had our inspection, we had to be out of the house.  We went over to Rachel's.  Max got to sniff around.  It had been a long time since he has been over there.

He has aged so much in the almost three years that we have been here.  He loved the early days of coming over and running in their yard.

Another audiobook I finished.

The girls worked on school while we waited for the inspection to be completed.

Ha!  Caught him in a yawn.

Always a sleepy boy.

I just LOVE cat bellies!

Have I ever told you how my kids love lemon rice soup?  They could eat it every week!

He's not a lap cat per say.  But there have been times.

Remember I told you about the crazy rain they received in Ft. Lauderdale while Eric was there?  25 inches.  These is a few videos he sent!

This will be Jackson's most memorable position.  Ha!!  He's so flexible.

Have you ever tried avocado toast?  It probably sounds weird if you aren't familiar with it.  But it is delicious!

Don't forget your bags when you shop in Oregon!  You either have to pay for them or they just don't offer them anymore.

Yikes.  Eggs went up at Wal-Mart this past week.

My tulips this spring.

My neighbor's tree was beautiful this year.

Catching those sunshine rays while we have them!  School is outside and even Jack is enjoying the weather.