Monday, April 24, 2023

Hail and Sunny Days

I know these posts are events and days from April but that's ok.  Life is crazy.
This was one day I was taking Eric to the airport.  Look at the hail and rain that fell!  It just pooled on the road and really made driving dangerous there for a minute.

April was a crazy month weather-wise.

Jackson like to sit out front and watch.  He's so funny.

While we had our inspection, we had to be out of the house.  We went over to Rachel's.  Max got to sniff around.  It had been a long time since he has been over there.

He has aged so much in the almost three years that we have been here.  He loved the early days of coming over and running in their yard.

Another audiobook I finished.

The girls worked on school while we waited for the inspection to be completed.

Ha!  Caught him in a yawn.

Always a sleepy boy.

I just LOVE cat bellies!

Have I ever told you how my kids love lemon rice soup?  They could eat it every week!

He's not a lap cat per say.  But there have been times.

Remember I told you about the crazy rain they received in Ft. Lauderdale while Eric was there?  25 inches.  These is a few videos he sent!

This will be Jackson's most memorable position.  Ha!!  He's so flexible.

Have you ever tried avocado toast?  It probably sounds weird if you aren't familiar with it.  But it is delicious!

Don't forget your bags when you shop in Oregon!  You either have to pay for them or they just don't offer them anymore.

Yikes.  Eggs went up at Wal-Mart this past week.

My tulips this spring.

My neighbor's tree was beautiful this year.

Catching those sunshine rays while we have them!  School is outside and even Jack is enjoying the weather.

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