Sunday, April 30, 2023

What a Saturday!

 Guys.  What a Saturday it was.

First, we went under contract (finally!) for a home in Florida!  It has been quite the journey these last three months.  Selling two homes and trying to purchase a home long distance is not for the faint of heart.  There were a lot of prayers of desperation on my end!  God is good!  I know He will see us through and if things fall apart from will still be His plan.

I picked up Rachel and Jack and went to Evan's track meet which began at noon and was over at 5pm.  It was a beautiful day to be outside enjoying the day.

On the way home, I had a scare.  I was driving down the highway and a lady pulled out in front of me just as I approached the intersection at 55MPH.  I swerved to avoid hitting her which caused me to lose control at the speed I was going.  I didn't hit her but went across the oncoming traffic lane, over the median missing a pole, across the exit lane, and landed in the ditch.  I wasn't hurt.  A couple pulled over and was already telling 911 details as I exited my car.  I called Rachel who wasn't far behind me and they stopped to help.  Two policemen soon arrived and they all were able to push my car out of the ditch.  It happened so fast and it is so scary to be driving and braking but not able to control where the car was going or doing.  God was truly looking out for me and keeping me safe.  We all have a purpose for our life and mine isn't done.  We all have a time to die and mine isn't yet.  I praise my Father for His hand in my life!

I went from the accident to a dinner fundraiser that the girls were involved in.  The donations went to the Hungary missions team which Autumn will be participating in.  Adam, Rachel, and their family were able to come as well.  

What an eventful Saturday.  And what a great God we serve who is always doing a thousand things when we may be aware of three of them.

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