Saturday, September 19, 2015

My Five Favorite Things for the Week

Balloons with the backdrop of a beautiful sunrise.

Sagebrush when it blooms in September.  Love!

Clean counter tops.  Does my heart very good.

This kid.  She turns five this week.  Our baby.  (Disclaimer:  The baby boy is not ours but I would claim him in a heartbeat. :)

That even though we sometimes don't like the way our country is heading...we can still fly our flag and hear our National Anthem!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday's Challenge on Posted by Rebekah

Every Friday @ 12:30pm (CST), you can hear a weekly challenge from me on Faith Music Radio.  My podcast is called Posted by Rebekah. You can listen online HERE or download the free app for your smartphone.  I would love for you to join us, listen and take the challenge!
Tune in any time of the day to Faith Music Radio for uplifting Christian music and talk. 

Here is today's podcast in blog post form. :)

The other day, I thought we were going to run out of milk so I picked up another gallon at Wal-Mart when I was there.  I got home to put it away and realized we still had a full gallon there in the fridge.  I had what I needed all the time - just didn't realize it.

Isn't that the way it is sometimes?  God has already given us what we need - sometimes we don't realize it.  Sometimes, I don't feel good enough to do the "job" that He has given me to do.  I don't feel smart like women in the business field.  I don't feel young and beautiful like women on TV.  I don't feel like I even fit the part of pastor's wife - I'm not a good people person!

Then I take a step back and realize - God has given me everything I need to do the job He wants me to.  And even in those times I feel inadequate, that's ok.  He fills in the gaps for me.

Like the end of this story.  A person in our church posted on FB - did anyone have any milk to get them through the night?  I did ironically and I happened to be going right by their home to deliver a meal to another family.  You see, even when YOU feel like you don't have what you need to help someone else, God sees to it you do.  God knew someone needed milk - but oddly enough, He didn't give it to them.  He gave it to me.  To give to them.  I have goosebumps right now.  You see, God not only wants to give you what you need - He wants to use you to give to others what they need.

And it is not just a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread.  It could be a word of encouragement.  A hug.  A listening ear.  God wants to use us to minister to others.  He wants us to know that even though we are not perfect - we are still usable.

So today's challenge is:  In what way does God want to use you today?  
Let Him use you as a vessel to minister to others in ways big and small.  

Will you take the challenge?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Great Reno Balloon Races 2015

 Sierra, Summer and I went to the Great Reno Balloon Races on Saturday.  One of my favorite events in Reno.  The catch is we got up at 3:30am to go!  But, as you can see from the photos, it is worth it. :)
They have a Glow Show and Dawn Patrol at 5:15am.

 Then as the sun starts to rise - they have the national anthem.  

 This year, the bummer was the clouds and smoke from the wildfires.  The balloons didn't pop against the blue skies like normally.  But still very beautiful!

 I love the checkered balloon with the Reno skyline to the left.

Also love this one...Mount Rose to the right and Slide Mountain to the left.  These are the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  And the smoke.  LOL!

 After the balloons, we made a stop at Wal-Mart and then home for some coffee and cinnamon rolls.  I did a little computer work and then left again at 10:30am for practice and two softball games back to back.  It was amazingly warm!  LOL!  
When we got home, I went to the church to tidy up from the installation of the FH doors and steam clean the front lobby carpet.  Then take some teens with Addie to a bonfire at the youth director's home.  Between getting up early and the heat...I was wiped out.

Like this.  Wiped out. :)

Ready for church!  That was Saturday!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My Week

Monday, Labor Day, I coerced my husband into doing a yard project that needed done.  (To be fair, he had been complaining about it forever...I just put it in motion!  Ha!)

We put this retaining wall and landscaping in a few years ago.  As you can see, the dirt and debris had blown in between the rocks making it a mess.  This is all the dirt on top of the plastic!

Away with the old plastic...raked it and ready to put down the new!

That's my husband. :)

And our neighbor kid that we have gotten to know the past month.  He came by and offered to mow our lawn for $3.  He comes every two weeks.  He saw us working and spent a couple hours helping us.  14 years old and a great kid.

While they worked on the front, I added a few mum plants and more soil and new bark to my front beds.

All done!  We add mulch around our lilac bushes.  The summer heat with the rocks seem to burn them so we hope this will help.  New plastic down and all rocks back in place.

We have done so much over the past seven years together on this home.  We enjoy working together!
Then we collapsed for the evening. :)  Ha!

Tuesday, back to school and work.  The couple I babysit for gave me this case of Vitamin Waters.  If you want to show me you love me...give me a Tropical Citrus Vitamin Water.  Ha!  Truth.

And Megan, the other lady I babysit for, gave us some watermelon cupcakes.  They really did smell like watermelon!

I spent some time helping my husband make some sermon CD's that one of our church ladies send out each month.  I printed some bulletins...cleaned the church...whatever needs done.

And held this little guy who three times this week fell asleep on me like this. :)

Then enjoyed the beautiful sunset at softball practice.

A beautiful late summer night under the lights.

Wednesday, another day of school, babysitting, church work, administrative meeting, teen group. 

Thursday after school, we had to run a few errands.  We used our Jack in the Box coupons for some free tacos.

Then you guessed it!  Back at the ball field for more practice.  However, the sunset was worth sitting there for two hours. :)

And, I am never without my little buddy.  This is Summer.

Friday, I did more cleaning at the church.  New sermon series posters are up.  New mission letters are also up.  There are so many little details to church!  It is insane.  LOL!

After school, we took my husband and daughter to the airport.  He is preaching a family conference in North Carolina right now.  Autumn went with him.  We dropped them off and I finally made it out to the real world and to Hobby Lobby.  LOL!  I honestly don't have enough want to - to go out and shop about 98% of my life.  But with the week done and already in town, I felt the gumption.  LOL!  And I have missed Hobby Lobby!
I saw this sign - the color doesn't match my decor but I LOVE the saying!!

And then...a much needed car wash, vacuum and cleaning for my lovely van!  Ah...that feels so good.

Then we stopped for a little treat at Burger King.

I am a no-clutter in my house type of person.  My husband likes to come in from work and set his wallet, key, etc. down on my buffet.  It kind of - just a little bit - drives me crazy.  LOL!  I found this little basket 50% off at Hobby Lobby - $5!  Now he can have his items handy but out of sight.

My swing pillow was also coming apart so I found these pillow covers for $3.50 each for my swing.

Saturday's events will be a separate post!  :)  Have a great week!

Monday, September 14, 2015

My Week

Saturday, we had Community Outreach - the time where our church family passes out door hangars in different local neighborhoods for our church.  After CO and picking up Addie from softball practice and cleaning the church for services,  I was able to spend the evening at home catching up on all our camping laundry.  How good it felt to get it all done and finished! :)The girls put on a "play" for us that evening.  Here was my ticket to attend.

Sunday, we had our regular church services.  Our family sang the special for the morning.  That afternoon, I took my husband to the airport for a trip he was taking to Salt Lake and then off to the church for Awana.

After church, Chris and Abbie gave us some delicious tacos!  We enjoyed them very much!  A wonderful after church meal.

Monday morning is back to regular routine.  Babysitting, school, church duties.  

Since my husband was gone for dinner, we had mac and cheese, beets and cantaloupe.  Ha!  Funny combo but things he doesn't care for so we have when he is gone.

I remember we always had the juiciest, ripest cantaloupe at my Grandma McCurdy's home in IN.

I love September - a wonderful month!  Regular day on Tuesday - we had Kung Pao Chicken for dinner.  You can find the recipe HERE.
Off to softball practice!

Wednesday was a regular day with school along with our admin meeting.  Isn't this kid just the cutest! weather...softball practice.  My husband's cousin, Jordan, came to make some contacts for his ministry.  He stayed with us from Thursday - Monday.
We had crock pot french onion chicken and crock pot easy cheesy cauliflower for dinner.

Thursday, my husband worked on the Fellowship Hall floor.  We applied an epoxy to it.

Friday, my vacuum motor burnt up.  Boo.  This is my new vacuum which I needed anyway because my other vacuum was not adjustable and did not work well with our new carpet.

School...and helping my husband with the floor.  He had a wedding rehearsal at Lake Tahoe so I went Friday evening after our dinner of crock pot ranch pork chops and crock pot sweet potatoes (which were so yummy!).  I was so glad to get done with the floor that night!

Friday night was the first night that we actually closed our windows.  LOL!  As you can see, it was pretty chilly!

Saturday morning, I made egg sandwiches for everyone.  I love baking eggs for sandwiches in the muffin pan.  So easy and quick!

Meatball subs and french fries for lunch.

Set up and clean up at the church after morning softball practice.  Then off to a wedding at Lake Tahoe.  I enjoy getting to go with my husband when he does weddings.  He always does a great job.  
We stayed for the reception and got back about 8:30pm.
Then it was time to prepare for Sunday.  I tried to keep my eyes open and push through!  LOL!

Sunday was a very busy day with a great service.  My husband shared his testimony in his message and it was a very touching time.  After the service, we had a picnic at the park with everyone.  I made Gumbo Meatballs, a tub of watermelon, Five-Minute Four-Ingredient Cheesecake and Peanut Butter Pie.  It was a beautiful day weather-wise. 
(Disclaimer:  I had an anonymous comment on my gumbo meatball recipe - saying they were not gumbo so don't call them that!  Good grief.  First, I didn't name the recipe.  Second, it is called gumbo meatballs because you use gumbo soup in the recipe.  So there you are, anonymous!  My FIL is Cajun - I know what gumbo is!)

After the picnic, we were invited to the Crockett home where we enjoyed some fellowship and delicious chili by Jodi.  The guys played video games and the women talked. :)

I also enjoyed some of my fall decor for my deck. :)