Monday, September 14, 2015

My Week

Saturday, we had Community Outreach - the time where our church family passes out door hangars in different local neighborhoods for our church.  After CO and picking up Addie from softball practice and cleaning the church for services,  I was able to spend the evening at home catching up on all our camping laundry.  How good it felt to get it all done and finished! :)The girls put on a "play" for us that evening.  Here was my ticket to attend.

Sunday, we had our regular church services.  Our family sang the special for the morning.  That afternoon, I took my husband to the airport for a trip he was taking to Salt Lake and then off to the church for Awana.

After church, Chris and Abbie gave us some delicious tacos!  We enjoyed them very much!  A wonderful after church meal.

Monday morning is back to regular routine.  Babysitting, school, church duties.  

Since my husband was gone for dinner, we had mac and cheese, beets and cantaloupe.  Ha!  Funny combo but things he doesn't care for so we have when he is gone.

I remember we always had the juiciest, ripest cantaloupe at my Grandma McCurdy's home in IN.

I love September - a wonderful month!  Regular day on Tuesday - we had Kung Pao Chicken for dinner.  You can find the recipe HERE.
Off to softball practice!

Wednesday was a regular day with school along with our admin meeting.  Isn't this kid just the cutest! weather...softball practice.  My husband's cousin, Jordan, came to make some contacts for his ministry.  He stayed with us from Thursday - Monday.
We had crock pot french onion chicken and crock pot easy cheesy cauliflower for dinner.

Thursday, my husband worked on the Fellowship Hall floor.  We applied an epoxy to it.

Friday, my vacuum motor burnt up.  Boo.  This is my new vacuum which I needed anyway because my other vacuum was not adjustable and did not work well with our new carpet.

School...and helping my husband with the floor.  He had a wedding rehearsal at Lake Tahoe so I went Friday evening after our dinner of crock pot ranch pork chops and crock pot sweet potatoes (which were so yummy!).  I was so glad to get done with the floor that night!

Friday night was the first night that we actually closed our windows.  LOL!  As you can see, it was pretty chilly!

Saturday morning, I made egg sandwiches for everyone.  I love baking eggs for sandwiches in the muffin pan.  So easy and quick!

Meatball subs and french fries for lunch.

Set up and clean up at the church after morning softball practice.  Then off to a wedding at Lake Tahoe.  I enjoy getting to go with my husband when he does weddings.  He always does a great job.  
We stayed for the reception and got back about 8:30pm.
Then it was time to prepare for Sunday.  I tried to keep my eyes open and push through!  LOL!

Sunday was a very busy day with a great service.  My husband shared his testimony in his message and it was a very touching time.  After the service, we had a picnic at the park with everyone.  I made Gumbo Meatballs, a tub of watermelon, Five-Minute Four-Ingredient Cheesecake and Peanut Butter Pie.  It was a beautiful day weather-wise. 
(Disclaimer:  I had an anonymous comment on my gumbo meatball recipe - saying they were not gumbo so don't call them that!  Good grief.  First, I didn't name the recipe.  Second, it is called gumbo meatballs because you use gumbo soup in the recipe.  So there you are, anonymous!  My FIL is Cajun - I know what gumbo is!)

After the picnic, we were invited to the Crockett home where we enjoyed some fellowship and delicious chili by Jodi.  The guys played video games and the women talked. :)

I also enjoyed some of my fall decor for my deck. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it all!i will enjoy using some of the recipes as well. Thanks! Mrs m
