Tuesday, February 4, 2014

To The Moms Who Always Say No

When managing a household like we moms do on a daily basis, it is important that we tackle problems.  
The key is to be solution-oriented.

Some days, I feel like all I say is...NO.  

Here is a simple example of being solution-oriented:
"Mom, can I have a cookie?"  
"No, but you can have a yogurt or apple slices with peanut butter."

This is an effective way to deal with your children.  
Simply telling them no all the time without giving a solution will create frustration for your children.  
And for you.

My husband and I recently discussed an area of child-rearing that we encounter a lot.  Technology and the use of it in our home.  Technology is so prevalent in the 21st century even down to a toddler.  It is important to be solution-oriented in this area.

Our solution:  Technology privileges are earned.  
This is our plan:  Our children use the My Job Chart.com to record their daily chores.  As a parent, we choose and set the rewards.  So for options on their Reward Chart, they may choose Video Game Time, Computer Time or TV/Movie Time.  I set the points at 100 so it is very reachable if they simply do all their morning and evening chores for one day.  

I now don't have to say NO when they ask if they can play a game on the computer or watch a movie.  I simply state the solution..."Check to see if you have enough points." :)  

So whatever problem or situation you may encounter...
learn to be solution-oriented. 


  1. That's the same system that your Mom uses for me. I say, "Honey ,can I have a cookie? She says, "Have you washed the clothes, dried them, did the ironing, swept and dusted the house, shoveled the sidewalk, cleaned the bathroom, washed the car, fixed dinner, did the dishes, washed the windows, did the grocery shopping, and drawn the water for my bath?" I'm still waiting for the cookie!!
