Monday, October 20, 2014

The Power of YOUR Perception

Stop it.  Just stop it.

How do we feel that we are justified in our judgments of others, institutions or situations?  How is it OK to talk about another Christian who we have felt has judged us?  Are we not doing the same thing?  Judging them for judging us and then judging them for not being like us? 

I'm pretty tired of Christians bashing other Christians.

I don't care whether you share the truth or not.  The fact is when you share your judgment call on another person...
you have now influenced another person or several people to share your same perception on that person or situation.

Let me give you an example.  My husband was driving home one day on the freeway and witnessed a motorcycle driver speed through traffic and knock off the mirror of a vehicle he passed.  The motorcycle driver was driving recklessly and my husband was following him.  Closely.  Witnesses saw my husband following this driver closely and turned in his license plate to the police.

Long story short.  He was arrested.  Spent the night in jail.  A lawyer and $7,000 later - his felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon was dropped.

Because of two witnesses' perception of the situation, we were put into the situation.  
Was my husband trying to run this driver off the road?  No.  Was he following him closely?  Yes.  Could it have looked like he was?  Yes.  
However, it was based on perception that my husband found himself in jail facing a felony charge.

Perception.  KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.  Did you ever think to yourself that your perception of someone or something may be incorrect?  And did you ever think that sharing YOUR PERCEPTION of someone or something may ruin that person?  

I sure realized this as now we have $7,000 in debt that we have to pay off.  Perception.  It sure can be a powerful thing.  
Don't you get tired of someone afar off...not really knowing you or a part of your life...making judgment on who you are?  It's not right.

But it is EQUALLY not right to make judgment back on that person.  So wherever you may find yourself...
The judged or the judge...remember one word...

And then shut your mouth and KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.

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