Thursday, November 12, 2020

Veteran's Day 2020

 What a busy week!  How is it Thursday already? :)

Mondays are busy with school, house cleaning, laundry and small errands like going to the chiropractor.

Dinner was white chicken chili and quesadillas.  Mmm!

Tuesdays are my grocery shopping day.  This week, my sister and I went to breakfast at a place called Shari's.  I had their entree - avocado and tomato eggs benedict.  Hash browns on the side - it was good!  We spent a couple hours talking, eating and planning our Thanksgiving. :)

We then did our grocery shopping at Winco.  After I dropped her at home, I had to run a few more errands.  Augh~ I told you those errands never end!

I made a sheet pan dinner - do you like these?  

The fish sheet pan dinners are SO easy!  I switch up what I use.  

Tuesday, I made roasted red potatoes on one baking sheet.  Just cut up red potatoes into large chunks, drizzle with olive oil and season with your favorite seasonings.  I use a garlic pepper, a coarse salt and a little of my homemade Cajun seasoning.  Just toss and bake.  Flip one time during the baking time.  

On another sheet, I put a frozen mix of cauliflower and broccoliBake for about 10 min - add fish fillets right on top and bake until fish is flaky and done. Season however you prefer.

Healthy and so easy to make on a busy night!

Tuesday night, there was a ladies meeting at church.  I went with my sister.  We made these cute wooden decor pieces.
Tuesday was unique for me.  It was the first event outside of a church service that I attended since I was the pastor's wife. This is a new journey for me.  For my husband.  For our family. 

Wednesday, my mind was on thankfulness to our veterans.  I am grateful for all those who have served and are serving.  We cannot truly say thank you enough to them!

The girls and I watched our president at Arlington National Cemetery.  Thank you, Mr. President!

On my walk Wednesday morning, I took some extra time to walk among the graves and say thank you to those who had served and were now buried there.  I found dozens that had served in many wars.

Silas Hanson - served in the Civil War.  I love this!  I know it feels so very long ago but things like this make it seem so very real and not so long ago.

I'm probably weird but I LOVE history like this!  It is so interesting to me. :)

At 4:30, I picked up my niece and nephew.  I fed them dinner at our house and then I took all the teens to a Youth Conference event at church.

Jack and Summer had fun playing some video games together. :)

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