Saturday, April 5, 2014

Jesus Wants Your Stolen Identity Back!

Being a person who works hard is good.  The Bible says in Proverbs 14:23 - "In all labour there is profit..."  

We are made to work.  I enjoy working.  I find pleasure in working.  I really do love to work!  I would label myself as a "workaholic".

The downfall of mean there is something wrong with working much?  
Yes, it is finding your identity in being a workaholic. My identity was found in MY success and MY performance. 
When you are finding your identity in an action you are performing, you are not finding it in Christ.  

What is something that you perform that you find your identity in?  A position in your church, a position at work, a hobby...what happens when you aren't performing that in which you find your identity in?  What is your feelings?  I would say it would be that you aren't doing anything of value.

Romans 8 is a great place to start to undo this thinking.

Our identity begins as a son or daughter of God.  As a child of God, there is NO ACTION that you can perform or do to change that relationship.  Your identity is not based on performance but on a relationship.

Take a step back today.  Evaluate your life.  Ask yourself..."What do I REALLY find my identity in?"  My job, my work, my family, the possessions I own, my position in my church, how much I give...the list is endless.  For me, it was my work.  Let us work together to really and truly find our identity in Christ.  For all those temporal things could fail tomorrow and our identity would be lost.  But our Christ will never fail!  Identity with Christ.


  1. So good! I was struggling w this recently, and it seems every verse, or article I read dealt w this and working. I've been feeling bogged down bc of my busy schedule. I began to identify myself w my business. This was a great reminder! Thanks for sharing!
