Thursday, April 16, 2015

Shades of Gray...Christian Version

One morning, I was getting a cup of coffee in the breakfast room.  I always put the cream in first and then add the coffee.  I'm a creature of habit. :)

A guy next me was getting a cup as well.  He noticed me the way I made my cup and said, "You put your cream in first.  Maybe I've been doing it wrong all this time!".  He was joking, of course.  I thought it was interesting.  We were making the same thing - just in a different way.  He wasn't right or wrong.  I wasn't right or wrong.

I was at Home Depot - choosing a paint color for our hallway and bathroom.  Saturday night with a four-year old.  I spent 45 minutes just standing there.  Every color had their own shade of gray!  The blues had shades of gray...the tans had shades of gray...the greens had shades of gray!  It was completely crazy.  I ended up leaving without buying any paint!!
When I got back to the hotel, I told my husband the story.  He says, "Don't they have a black and white section with grays?"  Ha ha ha!  I love men's logic!

Different.  We are all different.  All churches are different.  All pastor's wives are different.  All Christians are different.

Shades of gray.  Technically, we are all the same - a gray color.  But not exactly the same shade.

Our churches are all the same ingredients - just like the cup of coffee.  Maybe just a little different in the way we put the ingredients in - or the way we do things.

Remember this little analogy the next time you may start to judge a person or institution.  Ask yourself?  Are they gray like me?  Then remind yourself...maybe they are just a different shade.  And that is OK.  :)

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