Friday, February 12, 2016

My Max and the Window

Every Friday @ 12:30pm (CST), you can hear a weekly challenge from me on Faith Music Radio.  My podcast is called Posted by Rebekah. You can listen online HERE or download the free app for your smartphone.  I would love for you to join us, listen and take the challenge!
Tune in any time of the day to Faith Music Radio for uplifting Christian music and talk. 

Here is today's podcast in blog post form. :)

Every day when we get home from school, I let our two dogs out into the backyard.  Our big dog, Max, does not like to stay outside so after awhile, he jumps the fence, comes around the front to our deck and looks in the kitchen window until someone sees him and lets him in the front door.  Crazy mutt!

Some people are like my dog.  They are attention seekers.  It is easy to know what they need and want.  They tend to make it pretty obvious! J  They let everyone know around them – Hey! Look what I’m going through!  Look at my problems!  Listen to my story!  They stand at your kitchen window looking in until you see them and give them attention and “let them in”.

And then there are others who never let on what is going on in their lives.  So much so that if you aren’t put in situations around them, you could easily forget about them.  Forget about their problems and situations.

So what challenge can we take away from my dog, Max?  First, to those friends and family who seek your attention and time…don’t push them away.  Maybe it annoys you especially if you are a strong personality.  Try your best to give them what they need.  You may say, “They don’t really need that attention!  They just want it.”  Ok.  You are probably right but if it doesn’t hurt – let’s strive to give people what they want – not what we think they need.

And second, to those friends and family who don’t seem as though they don’t need anything – they do.  They need the same love and care that the others do.  They may not ask…but everyone needs love.  So make a list of those around you today who you need to remember and write down something you can do for them this week.  A card, Starbucks, flowers, homemade goodies…it doesn’t have to be much to mean a whole lot.

So today’s challenge is do something for someone today.

Will you take the challenge?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent n so true...sometimes i see those that seem to need encouraged over n over...and then those that say..oh no were fine. But i like what you said..they both need..his Love n encouragement. ..mrs m
