Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Week: August 7 - 13

Thank you for stopping by my blog today!  I hope you enjoy reading about my week as a wife, mom and servant of our Lord.  I hope in some way you will be encouraged. :)

Sunday was a great day.  I always enjoy getting to sing on the Praise and Worship team Sunday mornings.  I was feeling somewhat discouraged - people with horrible attitudes can do that to you - but when we got to the last song...

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, You taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

It is well, with my soul,
Here's my heart, make it whole
For You I live, in You I dwell Oh my soul, It is well.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trumpet will sound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
Here's my heart, make it whole For You I live, in You I dwell Oh my soul, It is well. Here's my heart, make it whole
Oh my soul
For You I live, in You I dwell Oh my soul It is well It is well, with my soul, Here's my heart, make it whole For You I live, in You I dwell Oh my soul Oh my soul
It is well

I choked up - could barely get the words out.  I don't think there is a song that speaks to me more than It Is Well.  Thank you, Lord, for that song that morning.

After the morning service, Shannon and her daughter, Lucy, were both baptized.  Praise the Lord!

After church, another blessing!  My daughter, Addie, led her first soul to Christ!  
Addie just turned 13 this past week.  When she was 12, she started teaching here and there children's classes in our Kid City program.  I remember after one Sunday, I was at Wal-Mart and Mr. Fred came up to me.  Mr. Fred was a newer older gentleman who had been coming to church.  He said to me, "My granddaughter came home today from church so excited!  She told me all about the lesson she learned.  Please thank Addie!"  I won't forget that day.  That meant so much to me to hear him say that. 

And now, I really won't forget it...because the young lady that my daughter led to the Lord Sunday...was Mr. Fred's granddaughter.  I can't help but tear up even as I type this.  Praise the Lord!

Sunday lunch was leftovers from the week.  Then it was preparation for Sunday evening.

Sunday evening was our promotion Sunday for our children's ministries.  Shaun and Shannon Traynor lead our children's ministries.  This was our K-4 and K-5 class with Lisa Maxwell.

3rd and 4th grade with Davy and Ashley Martinez.

5th and 6th grades with Shaun.

Teen helpers.
After the service, we had our Sunday Summer Fellowship with ice cream sundaes for everyone.

Josh changed my cabin air filter - if you are like me, you may not know how important this is!  My AC has been so weak all summer long.  Here, my air filter was so dirty and clogged that the air couldn't even get through!!

The dirt and leaves that collect in this is incredible!  People, change yours today!  My word of wisdom this week!!

Then it was off for my Sunday 8pm-8am shift at work.

Off at 8am.  Stopped at Wal-Mart.  Home - water my garden.  Laundry and dishes.  School - day 4!  Babysitting my nephew.  
Do you see this pumpkin!  The vine went way over to my tomato plants and this pumpkin is growing on top squishing my plants!  Crazy pumpkin.

Tomatoes and zucchini from my garden.

I also made a meal for Papa Vern and Pam.  Pam had hip replacement surgery and just returned home from rehab Saturday.  I made them the egg-sausage-tator topped casserole.  They can eat the leftovers for breakfast - yummy!  And a five-minute cheesecake - mmm!
My husband and I took the meal over and visited for an hour with Papa and Pam.  

Then the girls and I went to clean the church for the week.  It is so nice to have their help each week!

Home - smoked sausage with cheese sandwiches on the grill with ranch pasta salad on the side for dinner.  Easy and tasty!

Computer work and then off for my Monday 8pm-8am shift at work.

Tuesday, off at 8am.  Home to work on school - grading homework, doing tests and quizzes, correcting homework with them, reading groups.  With four, that can take awhile some days.

In between school, I did several loads of laundry.  
Fried up ten pounds of hamburger meat.
Errand to Wal-Mart.
Trip to laundry mat to wash two sleeping bags for a traveling missionary group.

My husband calls in the middle of all that saying another missionary couple was in town and he wants to meet for lunch.  Yikes!  
Lunch at Red Robin and then race back home to make spaghetti and corn for the other missionary group of nine.  Drop it off at the church.

Come home.  Crash for a short nap.  Then up to finish school quizzes with Addie and grading.
Spaghetti for our dinner.

Off to my Tuesday 8pm-8am shift.

Wednesday - off at 8am.  Fix the hubby's breakfast and lunch.  Shower and ready for the day.

Off for some errands.
Post office - pay the yearly fee for the church PO box.
DMV - pay the registration for the church trailer.
Chiropractor visit for the week.
Call and pay a church bill for weed removal.
Photo inspection job - one house.  A remodel of a laundry room.  (Above)
Plasma donation - first of the week.
Thankful to get all that completed!

Home to work on school items.  Short nap from night at work.

Youth group with the family - visiting missionaries from Nicaragua.

It was such a beautiful sunset.  The photo didn't do it justice.

Received a sweet card and gift card from my boss at Senior Helpers for picking up those couple hours last week on the spur of the moment. :)

Broccoli cheese soup for dinner after Youth Group.

Thursday, school!  Everything is going well.  I got all grading, tests and quizzes and prepared for Friday by 10:30am.
Then back to the church to clean after the visiting group.

Little Aaron taking a nap with Addie. :)

Autumn helped me make two peanut butter pies for our Friday dinner.  It was nice to get those done and in the fridge.

Back to work for my 8pm-8am Thursday shift.

Friday - off work at 8am.  Went straight to the plasma center.  Never saw it this empty!

After my donation, I had a photo inspection job of ten homes.  
Then home to clean and cook for the dinner that evening.

Getting the house all ready for dinner!

Received these beautiful roses as a thank you from Papa Vern!

Lasagna made for the dinner.

To do list complete!  Yay!

The last Friday evening dinner of the summer went wonderful.  I made lasagna and corn.  Shannon brought a fruit salad and raspberry lemonade.  Sue made a Caesar salad and breadsticks. All was delicious!
And we enjoyed the fellowship of the Traynors, Kuzmas and Papa Vern so much!
After the meal, coffee and peanut butter pie.

Dishes and laundry.  Dropped off some last minute items to the church.  Dropped off food and birthday card/gift card to my FIL.  Dropped off our van, keys and papers to Josh and Jenny.

Home to upload the photos from the inspection.  Pack for our trip and bed!

I hope you had a great week!

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