Monday, August 1, 2016

My Week: July 25 - 30

Hello!  Thank you for stopping by my blog today!  Here is a recap on my week here in Reno, NV.  I hope you enjoy your visit!

Monday morning, I got work at 8am...when I got home, I was greeted by this munchkin letting me know the tooth fairy came last night. :)  She lost her first two teeth yesterday.

There were little things to catch up on all day.  Refill my coolant and power steering in my van, water garden and flowers, posted a blog post, e-mailed my time card, checked my e-mail, and showered.  My husband fixed a bike tire, fixed my flagpole (yay!) and fixed the trimmer.  He went to pick up a kayak he was borrowing for tomorrow and we loaded that onto the van.  
Then the munchkin begged me to take a bike ride with her.  This summer, I have REALLY tried to do these moments with my kids.  If you really know me, you know I am a mission minded person who has a difficult time doing anything fun unless it is accomplishing something on my to-do list.  So, I have really been planning fun on purpose this summer and taking moments like this.  So we went on a bike ride.  And loved it. :)

Have you seen any national news about the fires?  There are always multiple fires going on.  I noticed early how the smoke was coming in.

Then do some work in the kitchen.  I made a chicken-stuffing-broccoli casserole for dinner.  Have you ever tried this recipe?  On my top ten favorites. :)  You can find the recipe HERE.  I also boiled and peeled eggs for egg salad.  Autumn cooked up some french toast to have in the fridge for breakfasts this week.
Summer - she just looked on and sampled everything! LOL!

Our neighbor brought over this nice grill set gift.  Keep praying for them - for their salvation and for his upcoming neck surgery in San Francisco.  He has had several surgeries for this and really wants to make it final.

It comes in this nice bag - perfect for camping!

At 1:30, my husband and girls left to pick up Pastor Tefft from the airport who is here for teen camp.  I had the house to myself.  Myself.  I thoroughly enjoyed the entire afternoon/evening having the house to myself!!

Yes, all I did was work.  But all things I needed to get done - so in the end, I feel rested and accomplished. :)
Check e-mails.  Background checks.  Several mass church e-mails.  Blood drive scheduling.  Video announcements for this week.  Google calendar events for the church.  New nursery schedule.  And all the laundry from this weekend.

Now off to work for my 8pm-8am shift.

Tomatoes from my garden. :)
Off at 8am.  My husband left early to take Pastor Tefft to Lake Tahoe to go kayaking.  That left the day to us girls.
Water my garden, put dinner in the crockpot, housework and laundry, stop at Wal-Mart and Smiths. 
Then off to clean the church for the week.  
Lunches at the park and then off to the pool for the afternoon.

Addie really worked with Summer to help her learn how to swim under water and try doggie paddling.  I was very happy to see big sister helping little sister!  And I loved seeing Summer loving the water and learning. :)
She loves jumping in, doing belly flops and doing Superman under water. 

For dinner, I made tuna noodle casserole in the crockpot.  I thought about not taking a photo - LOL!  You just can't seem to make tuna casserole appetizing looking!  Ha!  
Then off for another 8pm-8am shift at work. 

Wednesday, I was off at 8pm.  My husband and oldest daughter, Addie, left to take the teenagers to teen camp this week.  So another day to just us girls.

It was a day full of errands!!  First, shower and dress.  
Fill the van with gas.
Pick up a prescription at Smith's.
Oil change at Jiffy Lube.  The girls had free hot cocoa there.

Next, tire rotation at Les Schwaab.  Free popcorn!
Made dog grooming appointment, kennel reservation for Max and appointment for retirement account while waiting.

Pick up paper towels and soap at Inland Supply for the church.
Chiropractor visit at the Joint.
Hospital visit with Pam and Papa Vern.

Lunch and then off to piano lessons from 1-2:00pm.
Made copies at the church.

After lessons, Jenny had invited us to stay to go in the pool and have iced coffee and ice cream.

 Little Grant!

What a fun time on a day of 103 degrees!  Thank you, Jenny!

Then off to the library for our weekly trip.
Then home.  Whew!  What a busy day!

Pizza pasta for dinner - mmm!  Whole wheat pasta, spaghetti sauce, tomatoes with green chilies, pepperoni, black olives and fresh mushrooms.  You can find a variation of the recipe HERE.  Just change it up to whatever "toppings" you enjoy.

The night was so warm - I went on the deck and lay down on the swing.  Sometimes, you just need to get away to pray things through.  

Then we had a fire and made s'mores and looked for constellations.

In the morning, I did all my housework right away.  Watered my garden, garbage, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc.  It is easier to get it done when it is cooler early in the morning.

After I got my housework done, I went to do my plasma donation.  I got a lot of reading done during this time. :)
Stop at Wal-Mart for coffee creamer, garbage bags, croissants and ice cream that was requested by Autumn.  LOL!

Then off to lunches at the park.  This girl, always a book wherever she goes.

I learned that the shooting star the girls thought we saw while around the fire - was actually a Chinese rocket.  LOL!  Pretty cool though!

Eating lunch at the park - still with a book. :)

Chopped up some boiled eggs and made some yummy egg salad croissants for dinner.

Then it was off to see a ballet!  I got a Groupon for a ballet on the story/movie Frozen by a local group as part of our event Artown.  It worked out perfect with Eric and Addie being out of town.

It was fun and something different for them to experience!  Great time and we hope to one day, do the Nutcracker!  

Everyone needs beauty sleep after such a big afternoon. ;)
Then it was dinner and off to my 8pm-8am shift.  One of the teen girls from our church, Taylor, stayed the night with my girls while my husband and daughter were at camp.

Even though we didn't get any rain, I will at least take the clouds!

That is smoke coming up from a fire that recently started.  Many of the fires have really gotten big with the heat and winds.

And then a rainbow!  Crazy!

Friday morning, off at 8am.  Took Taylor home.  A quick cup of coffee, water the garden, shower and dress.  Then off to drop Belle off at 11am for her grooming appointment.

We decided to try the marina instead of the regular pool.  They were calling for thunderstorms and I was afraid we would pay to go to the pool and we would then have to sit out.  So I said, Let's try the marina!

Let's say, we made the best of it and the kids made it work.  But it was pretty disgusting!  Bird poop all over the beach and floaties all in the water.  The most fun thing was the floatie I bought that the girls loved.  LOL!  We spent about three hours there.

Then it was off to U-Swirl.  It was about 104 that day - so to be in air-conditioned was so nice!  I had a gift card that I have had forever!  I finally got to use it and it totally covered our frozen yogurt.
The things kids put on their ice cream!  Weirdos!

Quick stop at Winco for a few items for our Sunday meal and then off to pick up Belle and head home.

It did cloud up but unfortunately no rain or storm.  I can't remember the last time it rained - it seems so long ago.

Pretty Belle!

Then my favorite part of the week - watching Anne of Green Gables with my girls!  It has been years since I have seen it.

Of course, movie night is not complete without pizza. :)

Saturday morning was busy.
Community Outreach for our church at 9am.  This is the time we put postcards on doors in our community.

I wish everyone had the enthusiasm for serving God as a child.  This was Summer running from house to house wanting to put the cards on the door.  I. Love. That.  

Then I did my second plasma donation for the week.

Home.  Laundry.  Dishes.  

My husband and daughter got home from teen camp shortly after.  Addie was out on the floor in probably three minutes.  Ha!

Then I went to work on my dishes for Sunday.  I am hosting a meal for a tour group from West Coast Baptist College for their lunch.
Have I mentioned my new ceramic knife by the Pioneer Woman?  If I have, I will again!  I. LOVE it!!  Everyone needs one of these.  Especially if you love to cook like I do!

First I made pico de gallo.  Oh my soul.  I can't resist pico.  SOOO delicious!  I made a batch for Sunday and then another batch for our dinner of tacos. :)

Then, I made some guacamole.  Enough said.  If there is anything I love more than pico, it is guacamole.  I could eat it every day, all day.  :)

I also prepped all my containers of shredded cheese, sour cream, pico and guacamole.  They are all ready for tomorrow. In the morning, grill the meat and keep warm in the crock pot.  I am making carne asada served with corn tortillas.  Salad and corn on the side.

It has been a good week.  I hope yours was good as well! 

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