Saturday, June 17, 2023

Autumn's Graduation Trip - Part 5

Their favorite part of the graduation events is definitely the teacher meet and greet.  It is obviously everyone else's favorite too because the lines are incredible!

A new friend from the Jacksonville area went on the college tour with us.

Sierra-15, Autumn-17 and Addie-19

Addie and her boyfriend, Chris, who is also graduating

The middle school and high school teachers are here to meet all the graduates and their families.  These are the teachers that teach via video to home school students all over America and even the world.  These teachers taught all my girls and this is a special opportunity to actually meet them in person for the first time!  It's like when you watch a TV show for years and then you finally meet an actor from that show in person.  It's almost surreal. :)

Mr. Bucy - Teaches grammar and literature (English) for 7th, 9th, and 12th grades.
Mrs. Baker - Teaches grammar and literature (English) for 8th and 11th grades.

Miss Quinlan - Teaches Spanish 1 and 2.

Mrs. DeBruler - Teaches Speech.
Miss Armstrong - Teaches Culinary Life Skills.

Miss Smith -  Teaches Algebra 2.
Mr. Collins - Teaches Plane Geometry. 

Mr. Ridgley - Teaches Chemistry and Physical Science.
Miss Stancil - Teaches Biology.
Mr. Enders - Teaches Bible and Science.
Mr. Vinaja - Teaches Physical Science. 

Mr. Gourley - Teaches Genesis.
Mr. Crockett - Teaches Bible 7, Bible 8, and 
New Testament: Jesus and His Followers.
Mr. Birx - Teaches Bible Doctrines.

Mr. Zila - Teaches History and Bible.
Mr. Smith - Teaches Economics, World History 7 and 10, Hebrew History: Kings of Israel, American Government, US History 11.
Miss Burns - Teaches Geography, Health, and US History 8.

At the end, students could say something on video about their classes, favorite teachers, etc.

After the Meet and Greet, we had a picnic with meals provided on the football field.  I guess I didn't take any photos of that.
Then we went on our tour of Pensacola Christian Academy.  This is where the video teachers actually teach in classrooms and the videos are recorded.

They have a bookstore on their campus.

Seeing all these books brings back years of memories.

It was a good and full day.

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