Saturday, March 22, 2014

Streamlining That Sunday Morning Breakfast Hour

Sunday mornings are a very hurried time in our home.  
Putting the Sunday dinner in the crockpot.
Shower, dress, hair, make-up.
Style all four daughter's hair.  
Organize all needed materials for services and be out the door by 8:45am.  

Oh yeah...then there was breakfast.  I'm not gonna lie.  Many Sundays, my kids went to church hungry because I forgot to see if everyone poured themselves a bowl of cereal or maybe caught the granola bar I threw at them on the way out the door.

Here is a simple solution for those Sunday mornings.  During the week, make an Egg McMuffin for each member of the family, wrap in foil and freeze.  

On Sunday morning, preheat your oven to 400 degrees.  Pop in until heated through. 

Everyone gets a hot breakfast and no work or dirty pans/dishes were involved.  In fact, since we live much closer to the church now, I bring them with us.  When we get to church, they sit down in the fellowship hall and have their breakfast while I do my Sunday preparations with the coffee bar, nursery, etc.  When finished, simply throw the foil away.  And, since my husband leaves around 7am on Sundays, I can bring him his breakfast right to his office.

If you make breakfast for a Sunday School class or such, try baking the eggs for Egg McMuffin sandwiches in a cupcake/muffin tin.  It works beautifully!  And really cuts back the work.

I hope this tip may help you on your Sunday mornings!

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