Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Saying Goodbye to Central Chick-Fil-A

 Friday, September 25th was Addie and Autumn's last day at the Toledo Central Chick-Fil-A.  Addie's second Chick-Fil-A as a job.  The first being in Reno and the second here.  She became a trainer here at age 16.  So proud of her hard work!

This was also Autumn's first job beginning at age 14 and also started during Covid.  I'm so proud of her too and saw her become so confident during the few months here!

What joy it is for parents to see their children work hard and be great employees and citizens!  

Their friends and fellow employees were so sweet giving them a send off.

So on their last day, I wanted to go through the drive through one last time while they were working.  The young man that took my order recognized me and mentioned how he had enjoyed working with Addie and Autumn.  

I then pulled forward to mobile cash and the next gentleman who never failed to say hello to me when I was waiting to pick up Autumn every day from work - he said he would just need to keep me there all day because he didn't want me and them to leave.  He then made my meal free.  What a positive spirit this gentleman has for his company and workplace and I will never forget him.

Then I pulled up to the window - there Autumn hands me my food and Addie and all the employees are inside the window cheering for me.  Here their manager recognized my name on the ticket and gathered them all to cheer for me coming through for them one last time.

Man, I don't consider myself an extremely emotional mom but I just bawled.  After I pulled away, of course.  There's something about Chick-Fil-A that just makes me smile and tugs on my heart strings.  They have been such an excellent company for my girls to work for and I am just so grateful as a mom.  So, so grateful.

If nothing else, this part of the past year was worth it all.  Thank you, Lord, for giving our family a little part of happy through Chick-Fil-A.

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