Thursday, July 24, 2014

What "Always" Really Means

"You always..."

Have you ever said the statement "You always..." followed by a negative statement to someone?  Has someone ever said that statement to you?

What does that really mean to that person?  You feel it means that you are simply stating a fact.  However, it really says something much deeper to that person.

It says..."You always...therefore you always fail."  You see, when the ALWAYS and a negative are combined, it states that the person has NEVER succeeded in that particular area of life.   Are there times that this may be true?  Perhaps.  But not likely.  

Does this person know they struggle?  I would say 99.9% of the time, yes.  They realize their struggle.  They understand their faults.  Yet when they are told that they always do that thing that they struggle with...they can't remember their victories.  For all that is brought up is failure. 

Do you know what can help any relationship?  Eliminate the words always and never from your vocabulary. Your spouse needs to hear your love and encouragement - not to feel defeated and like a failure.  Your children need moms and dads who believe in them and make them feel so.  Pastor's wives, church members need to know that even though failure is present...they can still succeed with Christ.

Reevaluate today and take out those words...always and never.  I know it will make a positive change in your relationships.

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