Monday, August 11, 2014

Auction Game for Children

Here is a very fun game for children!

My mom, who comes to visit us once a year, did this with my kids - her grandchildren.  Instead of bringing wrapped small gifts and just having them open them, she brought different items that she had collected through the Dollar Tree, the Goodwill and garage sales.

She then had an auction.  

They all made a sign to hold up during the auction when they wanted to bid on something.

They each had an amount of Monopoly money to spend on the items they wanted to bid on and purchase.

They all came away with treasures.

This is a fun game that you could do with:
Sunday School class
Home School classes
Children, grandchildren, nieces/nephews
Missionary kids
Awanas Club or something similar

Fun, inexpensive and making memories!

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