Friday, August 29, 2014

Blessed Are The Flexible

Probably one of the top three qualities needed in a woman of God.


Yesterday afternoon around at 3:45pm, I received a call from work saying my shift was called off with my current client seeing she was in the hospital.  I texted my husband and told him I could go to the high school football game with him.  He was very excited and honestly, I was relieved to have a little extra time off to catch up on a few things.

Around 5:30pm, I received another call from work asking if I could do a shift for a new client.  I called my husband back and told him I couldn't go.  Then I cried.  Being flexible.  It is a challenge.

Flexible is such a needed and important aspect as a mom, wife, Christian.  
And honestly, it can break us if we let it.

1.  When you're flexible, you present a much more positive attitude.

I am the person who writes out a To Do list for every day and I want to stick with it.  My husband loves to be spontaneous.  Sometimes, he calls me and asks what I am doing.  Then he asks me to go somewhere with him.  It may be for a lunch visit...or errands.  I can either enjoy the time with him (and away from the kids!) or I can sit and think about the things on my to do list and be poor company.  He wants and needs me to be positive!  Pastors have enough negative from others - they need their wives to be the most positive person in their world.  

2.  When you're flexible, you gain the reputation of being easy to work with.

In ministry, there are certain people that you just don't ask anything of.  Usually because they always seem bothered, put out or reluctant when you ask something.  There are others who say yes with a happy spirit and truly want to help.  They are easy to work with and just a blessing to a pastor and pastor's wife.  Which one are you?

3.  When you're flexible, you will be balanced in different areas of your life.

While I am encouraging being flexible, I also want to mention that you do not need to let people run you over with every whim and request.  You do need to consider yourself and how much you can handle.  It is all a matter of balance.

Challenge:  Plan to be spontaneous.  Being spontaneous is a great way to purposely work on being flexible. So hard for some of us but it is needed!

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