Friday, March 6, 2015

Three Things To Do When Life Goes Wrong

Sometimes, things happen totally out of our control.  And you don't even know why.

Yesterday, I came home from work and noticed a little water on the kitchen floor.  I thought maybe one the girls just spilled something so I wiped it up.  It kept appearing.  I finally noticed that when you stepped on the laminate, water was coming up through the cracks.

I don't know how to fully express my dismay.  We not only had an issue...but I had no clue where the source of the issue was.  There were no leaks anywhere.  Just water under the laminate.

The dismay gets even more dismal.  If you are familiar with laminate flooring at all, you will know that once it gets wet, the edges began to curl up.  And then it is a total loss.  You also can't fix just where the problem laminate is because all the pieces of laminate are interlocked.  You basically have to replace the entire floor.

So I put down towels all day long trying to soak up the water that would appear every time someone stepped on it.  I ditched my slippers for flip flops because slippers don't do well on wet floors and towels while you are trying to cook dinner and wash dishes.

We went to bed.  I got up this morning around 5:30am.  To my furtherest (yes, I made that word up!) dismay yet, the water underneath had traveled under the wall into the living/dining room.  How could I tell?  The big section in the middle of the room that now was curling up.

I almost couldn't write this because I was so discouraged.  
So here are my thoughts on what to do when life goes wrong...

1.  Cry.  Yes, cry!  Sometimes, you have to release the discouragement, frustration and mess.  And many times, crying is the best release.  (I haven't cried yet this morning but it is pretty close.  LOL!)

2.  Cover the damage and scars with something pretty.  Bad things will happen that you can't control. They may leave ugly scars and damage.  If you can't remove the damaged area, make it beautiful again.  I can put a pretty rug down and hide the messed up floor.  You can add the beautiful things of God into your life to hide your life's scars and damage.  

3.  Realize you may never understand why.  I may never find out the source of water that created this incident.  It is so odd.  And you too may never understand why things have gone wrong.  Maybe you are making all the right decisions and doing the right things.  Accept the bad and ask God to guide you through.  
We don't always need to understand to accept our circumstances. 
 We just need God.

What are facing today in your life that has left ugly scars?  What are you facing that you don't understand?  It is never the end when you have God.  Make something beautiful of that situation today!

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