Thursday, May 28, 2015

Our Summer Chore Chart

Someone had asked me if I would share the chore list for my girls that I have for the summer.  

We use My Job Chart.  It is an online program.  Each child has their own account.  The parent enters the jobs for each child, how many points it is worth and if it is a morning or evening job.  Then each day, the girls log onto their account, do their chores and check off the jobs on their chart.  

The following is what their charts look like.  It includes:

The chore.
What day/days the chore is to be completed.  (The day is in ORANGE if it is a chore for that day.)
If it is an AM or PM chore.
How many points they earn for that chore.

To have a guideline as to what ages do certain jobs...

Addie is 11 years old.
Autumn is 9 years old.
Sierra is 7 years old.
Summer is 4 years old.

*The girls play on fast pitch softball teams.  I have "Practice Sports" on their chore chart as a time that they practice pitching, catching and batting with each other each day.

*"Practice combinations" is the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables.  They practice with each other.  I ordered each set from Abeka Book.

*"Read book" is a 20 minute time that all girls sit down, I set the timer for 20 minutes and they read a book of their choice.  This enables them also to check off a day on the Summer Reading Program for our local library.
The three older girls take turns reading to Summer during this time.  If I have time, I will read to Summer or she will read her small K-4 reading books to me.

Summer is a great time to give extra responsibilities to children.  With a schedule, it isn't a chore for mom - but a blessing!  And you will never be sorry you taught your child character and hard work.  I promise!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Had similar when mine were young. You hv so many creative ideas! Mrs m
