Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday's Challenge on Posted by Rebekah

Every Friday @ 12:30pm (CST), you can hear a weekly challenge from me on Faith Music Radio.  My podcast is called Posted by Rebekah. You can listen online HERE or download the free app for your smartphone.  I would love for you to join us, listen and take the challenge!
Tune in any time of the day to Faith Music Radio for uplifting Christian music and talk. 

Here is today's podcast in blog post form. :)

Rainbows.  I can't think of anyone young or old who does not love to see a rainbow in the sky.  Since the beginning of time, rainbows have been a source of hope.

One day out watering the lawn and lilac bushes, I noticed I could create a rainbow just by holding the water at a certain angle while the shin shone through it.  It was beautiful.

I think may of us are always waiting for that proverbial rainbow to appear in our lives.  We are waiting for the blessings of the sunshiny days not realizing it is the rain that comes that is needed to create that rainbow.

But like in real life (for those of us living in the west), rain is few and far between.  Maybe that discourages you.  You are waiting and waiting for the rainbows in your life and it just seems that they never appear.

Let me share with you a few thoughts on the rainbows of life...

1.  Don't live your life just waiting for the rainbows.  There is so much more of life to live!  Don't waste all the different areas of your life.  Sometimes we focus on the one thing we think we want so much to be happy in life that we stop living the rest of our life altogether.

2.  Look for the rainbows that do appear naturally in your life.  Always be on the lookout for the blessings that the Lord gives you.  Maybe it is a text from a friend...a special message from your pastor...a hug from a child...a monetary gift...a verse in your devotions that spoke to your heart.  Rainbows appear all around us every day in small ways - we just have to recognize them!

3.  Lastly, take time each day to create a rainbow for someone else in their life.  Don't be too focused on what you can get out of life.  Take the focus off yourself and create a rainbow - a blessing - for someone else!  Write a note of encouragement...make a meal for a family...give a small gift card to a friend...babysit for an overwhelmed mom...volunteer to help on a project at your church...there are so many things you can do that would be a rainbow to someone else.

Today's challenge is:  Don't sit around in this life just waiting for rainbows to magically appear.  Intentionally look for the small rainbows of blessings the Lord gives to you and then take time to create a rainbow for someone else today.

Will you take the challenge?

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