Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Week

Monday began a little tired just getting back from Lancaster about 1am.  I spent the day doing housework, laundry and a few errands.  Since Addie was gone, I tried to do her chores as well as mine.  I made a trip to Home Depot to get paint for the church remodel and Les Schwab also to get my tires rotated on my van.  Made a few calls that needed to be made as well.

A little free popcorn also makes errands a little more enjoyable. :)  (Someone smart invented this because it keeps kids happy while waiting!)

Tuesday, all day, was spent painting the church nursery.  We expanded the space and added in a bench seat.  We are excited to get it done and start having nursery in this area.

Thank you to Shannon who came and helped me with this project.  We enjoyed the fellowship while we worked. :)
Tuesday was also our last day of piano lessons for awhile while Jenny has her baby.
Then about 5:30, my husband and I went for his birthday meal - free sushi!  Yum!

We had a little rain - our August weather has been extremely cool this year.

We stopped at Scheel's for some bike repair items and then tried out our new Dunkin Donuts as well. :)

Wednesday was another stormy type day which we love!  I was able to get to the chiropractor and stop at Marketon for some fruit and veggies.  More work at the church.  Then it was our administration meeting at 4pm and registration for fall ball at 6:30pm.

Thursday was more painting at the church.  Last day of free lunches at the park.  Wal-Mart.  Nap for work and 11-7 shift.\

Friday I got off work at 7am.  Shower and ready for the day.  I did some chores around the house then back to the church to do some clean-up work.  Yes, there is a pattern for this week.  Working at the church. LOL!
Friday evening, we went to dinner with Josh and Jenny.  They have been such a great help to my husband and I and we really appreciate all they do.  Sometimes, you just need to get away from it all even just for a few hours.  :)

Saturday, I needed to get a few things done.  I took my husband's car to get the oil changed, tires rotated and smog done.  Don't do that on a Saturday.  LOL!
Then I got some great deals at Walgreens for office and school supplies for the year.

All these items were $.16 to $.99.  

Chilly mornings for August!  We also have had some smoky days from the CA wildfires.

Then...more work at the church.  :)  
Around 4pm, we picked up Addie from the airport.  She flew back from Joshua Camp in Lancaster, CA where she was for the week.

At 6pm, we went to a birthday party.  After the party, we went to the Grand Sierra to Hot August Nights.  One of my favorite events in Reno - classic cars all over the city!  

This is my personal favorite classic car!

The girls loved it - especially Sierra!  It was so fun to watch her run around and take pictures!

Sunday dawned bright and clear with receiving a text that Jenny was at the hospital in labor!  So my husband and I prepared to lead the singing and play the piano for services.  Busy day and we are happy to have newest baby at SVBC - Grant Ryan!  Congratulations Josh and Jenny!

Thank you also to Papa Vern who brought back a special treat for us from Cracker Barrel! :)

Thankful for the week being done and the start of a new week.

1 comment:

  1. It was a blessed n wonderful week for sure♡ ♡♡♡
    Made yr sausage n perogi dish only in used cheese ravioli...n colslaw mix sauted. Plus side of mac n cheese. It was a hit. Thks mrs m
