Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday's Challenge on Posted by Rebekah

Every Friday @ 12:30pm (CST), you can hear a weekly challenge from me on Faith Music Radio.  My podcast is called Posted by Rebekah. You can listen online HERE or download the free app for your smartphone.  I would love for you to join us, listen and take the challenge!
Tune in any time of the day to Faith Music Radio for uplifting Christian music and talk. 

Here is today's podcast in blog post form. :)

Have you ever had something frustrate you so very much?  We have these old sliding closet doors in our home.  They are always coming off the track and it is very difficult to get them back on.  Like “throw the door out” kind-of-frustrated.

The other day, the closet door came off the track (and no one in the house would admit to it!).  I tried to get it back on and in my efforts, I stepped into the closet to see better what I was doing.

Lo and behold, (this is where you can’t judge me) I noticed that there were actual places where the track was indented to place the door back on.

I lived in this house seven years.  And I am just realizing this.  (I know – pathetic!)  I could have saved years…and that is not exaggerating…of frustration.

Are you in a frustrating situation?  Dealing with frustrating people?  Tired of it all?

What can we learn from this illustration?

1. Take time to investigate.  Not all things are really as they “seem” to appear.  Are you getting frustrated over things that aren’t really a problem?  All this time I was frustrated at an inanimate object when the solution was in front of me – I just didn’t look hard enough for it.

2. Take time to learn something new.  Sometimes, some things can be solved by just coming up with a different solution – one different than anything you have ever tried.  I used to get so frustrated with having dogs as pets because when we would be gone, they would go in and out of the house – dragging dirt on my clean floors and furniture.  I would come home to a dirty house and it frustrated me to no end.  When we had our home remodeled, the contractor put up large pieces of plywood to keep the dogs in the hallway.  It enabled them to be inside – just in the hallway to access their beds and food and enabled access to their dog door to go outside as well.  I now can leave my house all day knowing the dogs can’t wreak havoc on my house and I will come back to a clean home.  My frustrations are gone.  It just took a new solution.

3. Take time to take time.  What does that mean?  Sometimes, we just need to wait before we act on our frustrations.  Don’t jump the gun.  Don’t accuse before you find out the entire story.  Sometimes, just hold on and wait.  Take time to cool down.  Get away from the frustrating situation and do something else.  You will probably find that in the end, it wasn’t as big of a deal as you thought initially.

Today’s challenge is:  The next time you are frustrated, take time to investigate, take time to learn something new and take time to take time.

Will you take the challenge?

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