Monday, January 20, 2014

Homemaking Tip: Two Ways to Use a Shoe Organizer

Here is a GREAT idea I want to try.  I found this idea from a blog site - Little House Living.

The two ideas I am definitely going to use:

To organize my FOUR daughters hair related items.  
This has been an eyesore...a frustration...and just a mess to keep organized.  This will be a place to hold all hair pretties, brushes, tangle spray, curling irons, etc. You can organize it by colors for all the hair accessories.

To organize spices for the pantry.  
How often am I cooking and have to waste time digging in the shelves looking for that ONE spice I need...right then! It would also eliminate purchasing doubles because you thought you were out - instead, it was just tucked in the corner behind all the others.  I have a small problem...I haven't a pantry to hang it in.  :/  But I just need to consider more options.  :)

What other ideas would you use this organizer for?

1 comment:

  1. I love shoe organizers for other items. I have one in my laundry room for junk drawer items and one on my pantry door for craft supplies.
