Friday, January 10, 2014

Letting Your PK's Come To Salvation on their Own...Our Story

My story…I was a PK.  When I was five, I remember sitting in Sunday School in my beginner Sunday School class in a little white country church amongst the cornfields.  (This church had no indoor plumbing…we had special outhouses. :) )  As I prayed out loud with the other children, I remember opening my eyes and peeking to see who else was praying.  I considered this time as the time I accepted the Lord into my heart.

Yet, often after that, I would have nightmares that I was going to Hell.  My personality was very shy and I was scared to share that with anyone.  I knew I probably wasn’t saved but I did not want to come forward being a pastor’s kid. 
It wasn’t until my freshman year of Bible college…I heard a chapel sermon right before Christmas break on salvation.  I went home for vacation and had no peace in my soul.  Every day I wanted to talk to my parents but had no guts to do so.  Finally, vacation was coming to a close.  I knew if I went back to college without settling it, I may never do it.  So I told my dad I needed to talk with him.  We went to one of the truck stop restaurants.  With many tears, sitting in the parking lot of that truck stop, I prayed and accepted the Lord into my heart and received the assurance I needed for my soul.

I was baptized the next day and never looked back since that day in January…18 years ago this month. 
Fast forward to the present.  Our third daughter, Sierra, was six and was not saved.  She had the head knowledge but was not ready to apply it to her heart.  In fact, she would even ask for prayer every Sunday night in church that she would be saved.

My husband and I never discussed it with her.  We never asked her if she wanted to pray.  We very consciously made the decision to stay back and let her come when she knew the time was right.

While on Christmas vacation at my sister’s house in AZ, we attended their church.  During the altar call Sunday morning, Dec. 29, I saw my sister, Rhoda, come forward with Sierra and sit on the front row.  My BIL, Josh, came over to us and explained that normally the children’s church workers talk to the new children about salvation.  However, they did not think she was a new child so they did not speak with her.  It was after that, Sierra went up to Josh and told him she wanted to be saved.  He asked who she wanted to talk to and she said, Aunt Rhoda. 

During the altar call, I watched my sister talk to my daughter and then they bowed their heads and she prayed and accepted Jesus into her heart.  Tears welling up in my eyes…trying to swallow that lump in my throat.

How do you let your PK children come to salvation on their own?

1.       Let God do His perfect work“But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”  James 1:4
2.       While God is doing His perfect work, live in such a way that your children want that relationship you have with Christ too.  “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:  Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.”  
II Corinthians 3:2-3                        

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