Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mom-Daughter Journal-Reaching Victory As A Team

Do you have a daughter that can be difficult to connect with?  Perhaps they are hitting the stage in between child and teenager?  Yep, that's me.  And I realized the same thing she struggles with is what her mom struggles with.  Ironic, right?  Not really.  We often start to see our faults and failures popping up in our children...and inside, we are screaming...NO!!!

No one wants to see the faults of themselves - and have to admit them.  And we certainly don't want to see our faults in our children.  
So, what can you do?

I will tell you what I did this week.  I took my daughter out to McDonald's for a large $1 Diet Coke.  (Nope, she didn't get the diet thing from me.)  I then spilled the beans...on myself.  I explained the "One Word" for the year that I had chosen - critical - and suggested maybe we could work as buddies on this together.  She agreed.

We then went to Wal-Mart and bought a $1.97 cute notebook.  This was declared "Our Journal".  She can write whatever questions or feelings she is having in this notebook and then she will leave it on my nightstand.  I will in return write to her, answer her questions and give her encouragement.  

In just one day, it has opened her eyes but more importantly, her heart.  And I pray that we will both reach victory in this journey together.


  1. Such a great plan. I love it!

  2. I absolutely love this, Rebekah! ~~ Jennifer Durham

  3. I think that is a fantastic idea! My boys are little now but I've often thought of starting a journal of notes to them.
