Monday, January 6, 2014

Two Steps To Streamline Your Loads of Laundry

I am often asked how to balance working a full time job outside the home, being a wife and mom, and church duties as a pastor’s wife. 

One task at a time.  One thing I have done now for awhile is change my laundry schedule.  I remember the days when we had an apartment, I had one laundry day at the laundrymat.  Am I thankful that I don’t have to do that anymore! 

Well, with six people in the family, laundry is never ending.  I now do laundry EVERY DAY.  At least one load…up to maybe three depending on sheets/towels/etc.  Even on this last vacation to AZ, I did at least one load of laundry every day on vacation.

Two tips that will change your life and laundry:

1.  Start that load of laundry first thing in the morning when you get out of bed.  
Well, maybe second.  Start the coffee pot…then the load of laundry.  If you find yourself barely able to function at the time of morning, load the washer the NIGHT before.  Then just push the button, add the detergent and it is done.

2.  Fold or hang up the clothes AS YOU TAKE THEM OUT OF THE DRYER.  
Do not take them out and transfer to a laundry basket or to the couch. DO NOT.  PLEASE, I BEG YOU.  The clothes will sit there.  And sit there.  Days…turn into weeks…

My procedure:  I fold or hang up the clothes as I take them out of my dryer.  You see, my washer and dryer is in my kitchen.  My kitchen is where my front door is.  It really wouldn’t be a good thing to have laundry all over when you walk into my house.  So I consistently do it this way.  As soon as the clothes or folded or hung up, they immediately are put away in the closets or dressers.  (My daughters put away their clothes.  I set them on their dresser and they put them away when they are done with school.)

Laundry really doesn’t seem that bad when you tackle it this 

way.  Now, ironing…well, we’ll tackle that another day. ;)


  1. I can hear Mrs. Trieber saying, "wash, dry, fold, put away". My laundry room is off of my dining room so I'm able to fold right onto my table, put them away, and be ready for the next load. I do the same thing with my boys' clothes. On their dresser and put away after school. Love this post!

  2. Hanging them up right out of the dryer is an excellent idea! I do start a load first thing in the morning too. I load it the night before and then start it in the am. :-)
