Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Old Home Places-Ohio

I like to drive around and look at the old home places when I visit Ohio.  
Two elderly ladies, Alice and Gladys, lived here all my life until they passed away.  Very dear to our family.

Down in the area we called Five Span.  A little park area.

Trailer park at Five Span.

This building used to be a small restaurant/store called The Cabbage Patch.  Enjoyed some meals there throughout the years.  One memory is having fried breaded shrimp-probably for the first time in my life.

This is the creek where we used to play as kids.  So much vegetation has grown up around it.

The road leading away from the creek/bridge.

The road leading to the creek from our old house.

The trees have gotten so big.

From the top of our old driveway looking down toward the field and road.

Looking from the old driveway out to the field.

Standing and looking to what would have been our old house.  The grassy area would have been where the house stood.

To be honest, it is difficult after twenty years to picture how it used to be with all the trees and vegetation that grew up that used to be a field or garden or yard.

The view that is very familiar in my childhood mind.  Oh, the views that bring you back in time.

The lilac bush is still here.  It smelled so good in the summer when it bloomed.

Looking toward where the old outbuildings used to be.

Can you see in the center of this photo a metal pole sticking out sideways?  That was there when I was a kid and I can't believe it is still there today.

Driving around "the block".

The Fox Club.  We held church here at one time.  And other events throughout the years.  Can't believe it is still here.

Junction Bible Christian Church
My dad pastored here when I was a baby.

Used to be a couple homes in this place.  They are gone now.  

This is the empty field that the Catholic Church owns right next to our old property.  They always kept it nicely mowed all the years we lived there.  We would play baseball and things like that out there.

The Catholic Church.  Even though I do not agree with the Catholic religion, it is sad to see an empty building deteriorating.  It was always kept up so nice!


Another church in Junction.  It still looks very nice.

Saturday morning, I went with Dad to Ebel's there in Grover Hill.  We got some lunch meat and cheese.

Enjoyed that first cool morning there in the mid 50's!

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